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Below you can find a list of all deliverables, you can download “public” deliverables – highlighted in green.

 Deliverable number Deliverable name Delivery date
1. D1.1 Website and intranet 3
2.  D3.1 Study of the state of the art and description of KPI and KRI of terminals, hinterland mobility and rail network. 3
3.  D4.1 BIM Execution Plan Guideline 4
4.  D1.2 Internal Progress report prepared and ready for revision in the INTERMODEL General Assembly meeting 1 6
5. D1.9 Risk and contingency plan. Month 6 6
6.  D1.14 Data Management Plan 1 6
7.  D2.1 Requirements for terminal projects 6
8.  D9.1 Communication Plan 1 6
9.  D9.7 Electronic project brochure 10
10.  D1.10 Risk and contingency plan. Month 12 12
11.  D2.2 Integrated planning environment architecture 12
12.  D9.2 Communication Plan 2 12
13.  D9.13 Conference paper 1: Integrated planning environment in terminal projects 12
14.  D5.3 Operational simulation simulation model of the first real-life case. 17
15.  D5.4 Operational simulation simulation model of the second real-life case. 17
16. D1.4 Internal Progress report prepared and ready for revision in the INTERMODEL General Assembly meeting 2 18
17.  D1.11 Risk and contingency plan_Month 18 18
18.  D1.15 Data Management Plan 2 18
19.  D4.2 BIM model Demonstration of both real locations 18
20.  D6.1 External mobility simulation model 18
21.  D9.3 Communication Plan_3 18
22.  D8.1 Definition and description of functional, economic and environmental analysis. 20
23.  D1.12 Risk and contingency plan. Month 24 24
24.  D9.4 Communication Plan 4_1 24
25.  D9.14 Conference paper 2: Decision support for owners of terminal projects 26
26.  D8.2 Assessment (meta study) of current transportation and logistics studies and trade statistics 9 27
27.  D1.6 Internal Progress report prepared and ready for revision in the INTERMODEL General Assembly meeting 3 30
28.  D1.13 Risk and Contingency Plan M30 30
29. D7.2 Assessment of the rail interconnection pilot cases 30
30. D9.5 Communication Plan 5 30
31.  D7.3 Assessment of rail interconnection resilience 32
32.  D8.3 Set of Key Performance Indicators for assessing and operating intermodal terminals (functional, economic and environmental perspective) 34
33.  D8.4 Assessment and validation workshops onsite at selected terminals with local specialists 34
34.  D1.8 Non-confidential project report 36
35. Risk and contingency plan. Month 36 36
36.  D8.5 Summary of results of work packages 2 – 7 and implications 36
37.  D9.6 Communication Plan 6 36
38.  D9.12 Final dissemination brochure 36